Search by category: news

Two lectureships in physical geography / remote sensing

We are very pleased announce two new vacancies of interest to the cryosphere research community at the University of St Andrews: Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography with specialisation in Remote Sensing…

Two postdocs available in ice sheet / ocean interaction

We are looking to recruit two postdoctoral research associates (PDRAs) in the field of ice sheet / ocean interaction. The PDRAs will form a key part of the team for the new NERC-funded project FjordMIX, which seeks to…

Funding for major new fjord study

We are delighted to announce that a team led by Dr Tom Cowton of the University of St Andrews has been awarded funding from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) for a major new study on Greenland’s fjords.…

Helsinki Discrete Element Model (HiDEM)

We are pleased to announce the release of HiDEM – the Helsinki Discrete Element Model. This code is developed by Jan Åström, from CSC in Finland, and maintained by Joe Todd. If you want to model glacier calving from…

Publication: A Full-Stokes 3D Calving Model

Joe’s PhD work has been published in JGR: Earth Surface. The paper lays out the design of the 3D Elmer/Ice calving model, which is now freely available online, and uses the model to investigate the calving sensitivity…

Ben Vrackie


Last week St Andrews Glaciology hosted the official start-up meeting for the CALISMO project (Calving Laws for Ice Sheet Models). We were joined by Adrian Luckman and Suzanne Bevan (Swansea University) and Thomas…

Open-Source Calving Model

Joe has uploaded the calving models he developed during his PhD into the Elmer/Ice repository on Github. There’s a 2D and a 3D version, so if you want to model calving at your favourite outlet glacier, check it out!…


St Andrews Glaciology will be out in force at EGU 2017. Doug will be discussing and comparing various calving models, Heidi will be theorising on the potential causes of Svalbard glacier surges, Joe will be showing…

Meet the Glaciologists

We kicked off our glaciology group with a “Meet the Glaciologists” seminar session in the Department of Geography and Sustainable Development today. Doug discussed the importance of glaciological research to the wider…